As I get older, in the back of my mind I hear the old saying “you get what you pay for”. This saying is especially true when it comes to flat irons. Some things that you purchase in the stores like aspirin, there is the name brand and the “store brand”, but the only difference between the two is the packaging. When it comes to purchasing a flat iron, this is simply not the case. Price does matter. There is a strong correlation between the price of a flat iron and its effectiveness on all hair types.
So now we know that quality does matter. Let’s talk about all the different types of flat irons available:
Pink flat iron
Heated ceramic generates negative ions to smooth hair cuticles, unlike heated metal which actually damages them. What you may not realize is that very few flat iron plates are 100% ceramic, even when described as such. Usually they are aluminum coated with ceramic material. 100% ceramic is easier to break and more difficult to manufacture, so there are only a few high end models that actually use it. You can view Misikko’s selection of 100% ceramic flat irons here. Other “ceramic flat irons” are better or worse for your hair depending on the ratio of ceramic to metal, which is hard to determine just by looking at them.
The best way to tell is to read up on the irons and brands you’re considering. A real professional salon iron usually has high ceramic content and reviews to back it up. Materials like tourmaline, titanium and nano minerals help to increase the negative ions generated too and can help boost an iron’s quality. High quality ceramic flat irons are best for every hair type because they provide silky, straight results every time without damaging your hair the way cheaper irons will. Take the time to do your homework and the investment will pay off in your hair’s appearance and health, day after day!
So you may be asking yourself, “why do I have to use ceramic? Wasn’t the old school aluminum good enough?” Many flat irons claim that they use ceramic technology when in actuality they are just aluminum plates that are painted to look like the real thing. These painted coats usually wear off after a few uses, and then hair gets caught or broken between the plates. It can actually get so bad that hair can begin to thin after extended periods of use.
Another issue with aluminum flat irons is that they have trouble maintaining a constant temperature while the hair is being styled. Lower-quality irons sometimes use cheap heating parts that are not able to regulate heat, therefore they require you to go through your hair multiple times to achieve a sub-quality result. Not only will your hair not look as nice, but you will have had to expose it to great amounts of heat over an extended period of time. Rather than spending 15 minutes to straighten your hair with a high-quality product, you will have spent an hour, and your hair will still not look as nice as it would have had you used a quality flat iron.
What do you pay every time you go to the salon? At least $50, maybe $100? Think about it – When you’re spending that much per salon visit, a good, high-quality professional ceramic flat iron will pay for itself over and over again in the following years. Here is some of the terminology that you should get to know if you’re in the market for a new flat iron. If you familiarize yourself with these terms, you’ll be able to understand better what it is you want out of an iron, and that way you’ll be sure to get a quality product.
Pink flat iron
Materials such as tourmaline are micronized into superfine particles and infused into the plate surface. This helps to make the plates smoother and allow for better straightening.
Pink flat iron
If your hair is hard to straighten then this might be for you. The titanium provides a super smoothing surface with amazing heat conduction. It has been known to cut down straightening time by up to 40%. If your hair is difficult to straighten then this is a great added feature for you.
Pink flat iron
The only added benefit that you will achieve from this product is its bacteria eliminating effects. It is a great feature, but be aware that the addition of silver will not get your hair any straighter then if you bought a flat iron with out the silver feature.
Pink flat iron
Tourmaline is a mineral that is a natural source of negative ions and far infrared rays. This mineral is infused into the flat iron plates causing a smoothing effect. Some customers have said that products with tourmaline have been known to cause static, but I have found that it is a great product. If you’re in the market for a quality flat iron, you’re now armed with the knowledge you need to make a purchase that you won’t regret.