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What a Home Inspector Does Not Do

Importance of Knowing What Inspectors Do and Don’t Do

Inspectors of homes perform a myriad of essential tasks, and their thorough inspections aid in determining the state of a house. A reputable home inspector takes their duties seriously when it comes to delivering an precise report to the buyer or seller of a house.

There are times when there could be a little confusion as to what exactly an inspector of homes is expected to take care of. It is important that inspectors of homes know their limitations and that clients are aware of what they can expect, so that everyone is comfortable while legal concerns are not a problem. Each state has its own rules for inspectors to adhere to. Let’s talk about what home inspectors are not and shouldn’t do as well as a look at some of the things they can do.

Ten Things Home Inspectors Don’t Do:

Don’t Wreck or Demolish Property

A Home Inspector in Eden Prairie, MN will be able to look over all visible areas of a house in a non-invasive way. If there’s a problem location, they won’t cause further damage simply to take a closer view. For instance, they are unable to pull back carpet to check whether there is any mold beneath. They are not able to cut through the drywall to see inside.

Don’t Pretend They’re Specialists

If not certified in a special field, home inspectors function like general inspections. If there is an issue, like an HVAC system, they’ll suggest that the customer employ an HVAC specialist to perform an appropriate assessment, instead of telling the customer what the issue is and how it could be resolved.

Don’t Perform Repairs on Homes They Inspect

There would be conflict of interest for a home inspector to repair the home they just inspected. Although the majority of house inspectors do their best, regulations are set in place to safeguard homeowners from fraudulent methods. Inspectors are able to conduct their work from an objective view, and not doing any evaluation in relation to any additional work they would prefer to do. It is common for inspectors of homes are not permitted working on the home within one year of having inspected the property.

Don’t Mark Property Borders

Home inspectors are not able to determine where the boundaries of a property are. The issue of property lines frequently comes up during real estate transactions, but it is a task that requires a skilled land surveyor who is knowledgeable of all the legal documents required.

Don’t Appraise Homes

Agents in real estate are those who are educated to determine the worth of a house and the property. While home inspectors are great in determining the state of the home, they aren’t qualified to assess the value of the property on these factors. They are not even able to give their opinion about the property.

Don’t Speculate About the Future

Sometimes, homeowners want to inquire from the inspector about how long a certain element of their home will last, or the time when they believe it could fail. Inspectors don’t give an opinions about this because, in they can’t be sure. Instead, they just give information on the situation currently and any issues that exist.

Don’t Enforce Building Codes

Home inspectors provide reports regarding the overall condition of the house and safety issues. They aren’t enforcement officers. They do not have the authority of the city and are not able make up the safety violations or restrict permits. However, they will inform you of the dangers or problems that are present on the property.

Don’t Kill the Deal

It doesn’t matter if you’re getting an inspection of your home in advance of listing your house or prior to buying an investment property the home inspector is not liable for destroying any real estate transaction. They will simply provide a detailed report on the state of your property. The way the buyer uses the information they receive is the decision of the client. But the inspector should not have the power to pass or fail the property, and should be aware of how to stay clear of becoming the deal breaker.

Don’t Do Heavy Lifting

It is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure that their home is in good condition for inspection. This involves removing all debris and making sure there is access to the areas of your home that are to be inspected. The home inspector shouldn’t be required to take clutter out of their way in which they conduct their inspection.

Don’t Give Decorating or Remodeling Advice

Home inspectors take their job seriously and are compensated for specific duties. In many cases, homeowners will seek advice from the inspector on how to improve or renovate their home. While some inspectors might offer great advice but that’s not what they’re there to do. These kinds of inquiries are best left to interior designers.

The Dos and Don’ts Matter

As you can see there are certain things home inspectors should not be doing and shouldn’t be expected to perform. But they play an important part in any real property transaction. Knowing the function of a home inspection will aid everyone involved to the final.

Daniel S. Williams

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