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Skincare Tips For Men That Will Get Any Woman’s Attention

Like other parameters of your body, your skin tells a lot about you and your general health. The skin is the largest organ of the body. It breathes, perspires, and helps to maintain the normal body temperature. It is also one of the most neglected organs in the body.

The area of skin care has predominantly been the forte of women but this is now rapidly changing and a lot of importance is now being given to men’s skin care for health and longevity. The benefits of a proper skin care regime are innumerable. Let us see some of the ways in which men can look after their skin.

Skin Care Tips for Men

Face Cleaning

Like women, men too should invest some time in the day looking after their skin. This can be done through proper facial cleansing. Invest in a good face wash or cleanser. Wash your face with this cleanser to remove dead skin, grime and dirt. Do this at least twice every day for best results. The cleansing will open your skin pores and make your face look more radiant.


Make sure that you take out at least one day in the week, which you will devote to facial exfoliation. Buy a good face scrub and apply this scrub to your face after cleaning your face thoroughly.


The scrub works by removing dead skin cells and gives your skin a radiant appeal.

Choosing a Good Shaving Cream and Razor

It is very important for men to invest in a quality razor and shaving cream to prevent cuts, nicks and razor burns. Buy a good quality cream, which foams well. Your razor should have a minimum of twin blades for effective and thorough shaving. Use a good after-shave lotion to ward off an infection and to soothe irritated skin post shaving.

Sun Protection

Men tend to spend more time than women playing rough and vigorous games or doing hazardous work for long hours in the sun. The scope of sun damage in men is extensive and that is why they need to take even more care of their skin.

Sun Protection

Men should invest in a good skin care product like a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 40. This will help to minimize the effects of the harsh UVA and UVB rays of the sun and reduce the effects of aging on sun-damaged skin.


This is one of the most neglected skin care regimes amongst men. Very few men feel the need to moisturize their skin. They will do so only if their skin feels unusually dry. However, a daily routine of moisturizing the skin is very important. This is because the skin tends to become dull, dry and patchy over the day and also looses moisture. Choose a good moisturizing cream that has vitamins like A, C and E for skin health and rejuvenation.


In the summers, a mild body lotion will fulfil your body’s moisturizing needs whereas in winter you will need something heavier and greasier to give your skin that extra protection.

Anti-aging Products

Make sure that you use a good anti-aging product, which has retinol in it to minimize the effects of fine lines, wrinkles and aging.

Preventing Dry Skin

Do not shower for excessively long periods of time. Your shower time should not be for more than 5-10 minutes.

Preventing Dry Skin

Protect your skin by not going out in excessively cold or dry weather.

Get your anti-oxidants

It is very important for men to get their daily dose of anti-oxidants. These can be got in the form of a good and nourishing diet. Make sure you eat a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables and fibre as these help to nourish the skin from within. Your diet will always speak volumes about your skin health so make sure you take in a healthy and balanced diet. Stay away from fatty, greasy and junk food as these can lead to pimples and breakouts.


Make sure you take in regular exercise every day. This brings a radiant flush to your skin due to enhanced blood flow on the surface of the skin. Exercise will prevent your skin from looking too pale or dull.

Acne Control

Make sure that you control your acne or acne breakouts by using a good pimple busting cream. Speak to a dermatologist, if your breakouts are very nasty. Follow a scrupulous skin care regime in case of pimples as the skin can become scarred and pitted with frequent breakouts.

The use of Skin care Products

Use skin care products judiciously as not all skin care products will be amenable to your skin. Do not blindly use expensive skin care products without first ascertaining its affects on your skin. A number of skin care products contain allergens, which can do untold damage to your skin. Hence, use the skin care products only after consulting with a reputed dermatologist.

Shaving with the Right Technique

Razor burns are very common especially if you do not shave with the right technique. Wash your face thoroughly after cleansing. Apply shaving cream liberally over your face and use a good quality razor, which does not have blunt edges.

Shaving with the Right Technique

Keep changing your razor often. Wash and clean your face with warm water and follow up the shaving ritual by applying a good after-shave lotion and moisturizing cream. This will always keep your skin healthy and stress free.

Lip Balms

The lips are another neglected feature of the skin. Make sure you use a good lip balm with an SPF factor to protect your lips from sun damage. Excessive sun exposure can damage your skin and make your lips look dark. Lather on the lip balm every morning and evening to keep your lips looking soft and luscious.

Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Excessive smoking and drinking too can take a toll on the health of your skin. Smoking makes your skin look dark and haggard whereas too much drinking can give your skin a dull and dehydrated look so ensure that you avoid smoking and drinking at all costs.

Daniel S. Williams

Final-Clutters is a place for all vibrant dynamic fashion fiestas to know about make-up techniques, fashion tips that make them look the best version of themselves. Get the best advice from popular fashion designers and skin care experts in the industry.