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Is It Legal To Drive With A Damaged Bumper?

Your first reaction if you mark your vehicle is not to wonder if it is still roadworthy.

You’ll likely be overwhelmed by frustration while trying to figure out what to do, as well as the cost of fixing it.

Police and other authorities are very concerned about the roadworthiness and safety of vehicles.

You could be fined and lose demerit points if you drive an unfit vehicle. You can also put your own safety and the safety of other road users at risk.

We’ve put together a short guide to help you determine if your vehicle is legal for driving.

Is it illegal to drive a car with a damaged bumper.

It all boils down to safety.

Imagine, for instance, that you are in an accident, and the front bumper breaks. The NSW government would consider your car unfit to drive. It is because the government believes that you need a functioning front and rear bumper to ensure your safety.

According to NSW Roads & Maritime Services, you must have both bumpers. According to the document, front and rear bumpers at the right height are part of the minimum features of a vehicle’s design that “protects persons traveling in the car in the event it crashes”. These bumpers also protect other vehicle occupants involved in an accident.

You can therefore assume that you will be fined or lose demerit if you drive your car without a bumper. All unsafe items are subject to the same rules.

It is probably illegal to drive a car without a bumper if yours has fallen off.

When does it become legal?

Not all damages need to be legally repaired.

It is safe to drive if the damage is minor, such as a dent or scratch on the bumper, and does not affect the roadworthiness of the car. It doesn’t matter if your vehicle looks a little shabby.

If you’re unsure about anything, it’s best to avoid driving and ask for advice from experts, such as the NSW Roads and Maritime Service or your local mobile mechanic in sydney.

Driving an unsafe vehicle is dangerous for you and others.

How can you fix a damaged car?

You’ll want to fix your car regardless of whether it is roadworthy or not.

You may need to replace the part completely in some cases. In others, it can be repaired. Recently, our founder answered similar questions about whether or not a part can be repaired.

“I need to first see the damage in order to decide if it is repairable. I either need to look at a clear picture of the area or schedule a personal consultation to inspect it.” Then, I’ll be able to make a quick decision as to whether the damage can be repaired or needs to be replaced. In that case, I will refer the client to a panel beater.

Daniel S. Williams

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