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How to remove tan from face

What time is it? It’s time to exchange your heavy-duty foundations for water-based ones, get stocked up with light primers, and get your pout with gorgeous pastels. The summer heat is here, and you must put your swimsuit on! However, when sporting your bikini body on the beach, you’ll need to get rid of that pesky sun tan. We’ve taken care of all the work for you. We’ve scoured the skies and under the ground for the top-known sun tan removal tips.

We guarantee these homemade products will help you get through the heat without causing sunburn or skin-darkening spots. However, first, take the time to put on the essential sunscreen. Applying a generous amount of sunblock to block damaging UV radiation from getting into the skin is a good idea. We’d suggest using a second layer every hour. Better safe than sorry.

However, for those who bravely stepped out into the scorching sun without gear, here are the most effective solutions at home to eliminate tanning from your hands, face, and feet:

Lemon Juice and Honey

Lemon, our most popular ingredient, has a highly acidic pH that we would not recommend applying it alone, particularly before going into the sun, as it’s sensitive to light. With ascorbic, glycolic, and alpha-hydroxy acids, this natural cleanser removes the surface layer of skin, preventing sun damage and also darkens. You can add a pinch of honey (a natural humectant) to the juice of a lemon to get the best results since it’s considered too dry. No wonder this combination is one of the most effective solutions for removing tan from your face.

Yogurt and Gram Flour

Mix Yoghurt with a tablespoon of Gram Flour to effectively remove tan at home and blend them into a thick, smoky paste. Spread the paste all over your body and let it sit for 20 minutes before jumping in the bath. These probiotic-rich, nutritious fats and high levels of lactic acid in the curd will help cool sunburn, calm skin, and moisturize it. The gram flour gently exfoliates and reveals the natural luminosity. For supple, plump skin, repeat this routine every day for two weeks, and you will see your tan.

Aloe Vera

Also known as the beauty elixir, this plant is the most versatile food ingredient. Scrape the pulp from fresh-cut leaves and freeze it for up to one week. If you’re lazy, mix it with water and a few drops of the essential oil you prefer (tea plant or lavender) to make the mixture last longer. This homemade tan removal kit can instantly decrease the amount of tanning, ease inflammation, reduce inflammation and replenish the body’s moisture.

Raw Papaya

Unsurprisingly, the cosmetics industry put the humble fruit at the top of its list. To benefit from this multi-faceted beauty treat, scoop the pulp mix and apply it to your hands, face, and legs. You can also mix to create this tannin removal cream at home. Papaya is a source of papain, an enzyme that mildly exfoliates the outer cell layer, enhances the texture of your skin, making it smoother and removes sun spots, reduces pigmentation, and unblocks pores.

Yogurt and Turmeric

How do you combine these two things to remove the tan from your hands? Well, it’s simple. Make it into a mask! You only need an ice-cold yogurt bowl and Turmeric to make this paste. Apply it to your hands before showering and allow it to remain on for at least 20 minutes for the best results. It is recommended to use this daily for at least two weeks due to yogurt with probiotics that help brighten your skin.


As if we weren’t enthralled by this veggie already, include it in your list of natural ways to get rid of sun tan from your hands. Thanks to the enzyme catecholase (present within potatoes naturally! ), that helps to brighten the complexion. For the best part, it doesn’t require you to mix it with anything else – mix three potatoes, then apply the paste to your hands that are tanned directly. Cutting the potato in half and then using it in the affected area is possible.

Gram Flour and Turmeric

Let’s face it. Turmeric is a fantastic ingredient, particularly when looking for remedies at home for removing tan from your hands. But it’s more than Turmeric that does the trick here. It would be best to acknowledge the exfoliating qualities of Gram Flour too. Mix Turmeric with Gram Flour and milk for this paste and then put them in the Rose Water dish. You should keep it on for 20 minutes each day before bed and see tangible results after just several weeks.


Almonds may be the first food you’ll be craving in the morning. Another reason to indulge in almonds – sun tanning removal. Courtesy: their antioxidant properties. The procedure is easy – let them soak overnight and mix them with milk until you have a smooth paste. Apply it to the areas that have been tanned to eliminate tan from hands. Leave it on for a few minutes before washing it off using cold water. This remedy is proper daily for two weeks.

Curd and Honey

Are you ready to raise your hand if your mother recommends the combination of honey and curd as a cure to all your problems with beauty as well? Your mother is 100% correct – and curd can be used as an exfoliant; honey is brimming with antioxidants. Naturally, their paste will eliminate the tan on your legs fast, and one of the benefits is that it also keeps your skin hydrated. Do this three times per week to see the most results.

Oats and Buttermilk

Mixing Oats with Buttermilk might sound boring, but it’s an effective remedy for all your tan issues. We’re sure you’re already aware of the exfoliating qualities of oats. But it’s the buttermilk that softens your skin and soft. Massage the mix on your legs and feet for a few minutes, and you’ll be ready for skin that isn’t tanned. Repeat this process twice weekly, and you will have the most effective tan removal product at home.

Cucumber and Lemon

Cucumbers and Lemons are better for salads. They can be used to make a fantastic homemade tan removal product. Cucumber’s cooling qualities, combined with the bleaching effects of lemons, will help you eliminate unattractive skin tan quickly. Mix lemon juice, cucumber juice, and juice and rosewater to create an emulsion, or apply cucumber slices to areas that have been tanned.

Daniel S. Williams

Final-Clutters is a place for all vibrant dynamic fashion fiestas to know about make-up techniques, fashion tips that make them look the best version of themselves. Get the best advice from popular fashion designers and skin care experts in the industry.